Rent Control Legislative Fund Assessment

Posted By: Candy McVey Advocacy, Community,

Dear DAA Members,

During the 152nd Delaware General Assembly, spanning the past two years, we have faced a range of challenging and demanding issues. Many of these issues were introduced and, in some cases, passed before the session adjourned on June 30, 2024.

Throughout 2023 and 2024, the DAA has been actively involved in combating these bills and, where possible, amending them to make them workable for our housing industry. However, just three days before the session concluded this June, a Rent Control bill was introduced.

In response to this immediate and severe threat to our industry, the DAA Board of Directors has decided to strengthen our advocacy efforts through two specific initiatives:

  1. Media/Public Relations/Advocacy Campaign: We will launch a campaign to inform our broader membership, affiliates, and the public about the serious negative impacts of Rent Control.
  2. Enhanced Legislative/Lobbying Efforts: We will augment our existing lobbying efforts by engaging additional lobbying resources for the session beginning in January 2025.

The DAA Board has set a working budget to support both the targeted marketing campaign—focused on representative districts with key swing voters—and the hiring of an additional lobbyist for 2025. We estimate the total budget for these efforts may exceed $55,000.

To fund this crucial campaign, the Board has approved a one-time mandatory special assessment of $1.50 per unit for all owner/manager members. Invoices reflecting this increase will be issued, with payment due by January 31, 2025.

The threat of Rent Control is imminent, and its potential impact—whether through rent stabilization, rent justification, or tenant rental support—could destabilize the entire housing market. This could reduce the housing supply and exacerbate existing rent and housing issues. Your full commitment to fighting this threat is essential for our success.

Thank you for your support and dedication.

Delaware Apartment Association