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DAA + Members and NAA Click & Lease

Do you want to know more about NAA Click and Lease?

Wednesday, December 14, 2022
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM (EST)

Event Details

You’re Invited!

Want to learn more about what Delaware Apartment Association can offer you? Join us on December 14, 2022 at 11:30 a.m - 1:00 p.m. (lunch is included) for the many benefits membership brings. From education and advocacy to industry news and discounts, there are a number of advantages at your fingertips. One of the largest benefits is NAA Click & Lease which enables you to simply and efficiently generate legally compliant lease forms to minimize liability and accelerate your leasing processes.

NAA Click & Lease saves you time and money with its online, intuitive platform to simplify your leasing. With the most comprehensive forms library in the market, NAA Click & Lease's network of attorneys make updates to our forms as national, state and local regulations change so you can rest easy knowing your lease is fully compliant. Here are three more ways it improves efficiency for you and your staff:

PMS Integration: Integrates with your existing property management software, enabling a more streamlined experience from start to finish.

• Online & Paperless: Fully automated application and leasing process, indcluding fully embedded eSignatures

• Customizable Forms: Flexibility to add custom forms with company-specific initiatives or policies, supporting the work you do.

• Litigation Defender Insurance: Triggered whenever a plaintiff challenges a provision of the NAA Click & Lease Form

Join us and we look forward to discussing more about what we can do for you!

For More Information:

Candy McVey
Candy McVey
Executive Director Delaware Apartment Association (302)502-3110